Hiring A Dog Biz Coach

The Truth About Hiring a Dog Biz Coach - From A Dog Biz Coach

The Truth:

It doesn't matter which Dog Biz Coach you hire, so hire whoever you want. For real.

Are some business coaches or programs better than others? 100% YES. Does it matter? Not that much…

It’s because your success with a Dog Biz Coach depends almost entirely on you.

When it comes down to the results of ANY coaching program, there will always be one common denominator: THE STUDENT. A student’s coachability and commitment level are what drive success, not the coach. 

It’s just like in dog training… 

When a dog owner hires you, you're not the magic fix to all their problems with their dog. The change starts with them. You’re there to meet them where they're at while providing guidance and support. Some clients get amazing results in your program, some get mediocre results (to no fault of your own), and some ghost.

It's the same with business coaching. You’ll have to commit and trust the process no matter what your business coach specializes in. Be coachable and be prepared to make the shifts given to you by the dog biz coach, because if you don't implement and follow their advice you'll be stuck in the same position you started with. 

So hire whoever the fuck you want. Hire the coach who YOU feel good about committing to. At the end of the day an okay coach with your total commitment will get you further than the best coach in the world without your commitment. 

How To Find The Best Dog Trainer Business Coach For YOU

We predicted that a ton of new dog trainer business coaches would be flooding the market as the pandemic started gaining steam. And now we see everytime we check, there’s a new coach with a new program available. 

The dog trainer business coach that works best for you depends on you and your style. And like we said before, there are more programs popping up every month.

Maybe there is a business coach (Coach A) that you've been following for a while, and you resonate with everything they say. BUT your colleague hired another one (Coach B) and has had great results and is always raving about them. Deep down, you know you jive more with Coach A. 

Maybe you like how Coach A talks or you get tons of value from their focus on mindset, burnout, marketing, impostor syndrome, or business systems automation. What they’re saying truly hits home with you.

But your friend’s results with Coach B's program make you feel pressured to sign up with them. So you do. 

That makes sense, right? 


Pick the best fit for you and your business, not what worked for your friends. Trust your instincts and pick a coach that you will be able to stick with throughout the entire program. 

Should I Hire a Business Coach for My Dog Training Business?

It depends…business coaching for dog trainers can be a mixed bag.

Are there people out there that shouldn't be taking money as business coaches in the pet dog industry? Are there frauds confidently masquerading around as experts for the money? Absolutely - just like some dog trainers out there, there are coaches that shouldn't be taking money for their services. 

Whether or not you choose to hire a coach depends on your particular situation and needs. If you do decide to sign up, make sure that you’re committed and willing to change your habits (which can be fucking painful).   

Some final words of caution when it comes to hiring a dog business coach: 

Beware the coach that became a coach to solve their OWN problems. These kinds of coaches tend to project their experiences onto you instead of tailoring their efforts to your specific problems and challenges. 

If you’re going to get help from a Dog Biz Coach, hire for fit, hire for competency, and fully commit to their program. 

Otherwise, it’s just money down the drain. 

Some Helpful FREE Resources 

If you’re on the fence about hiring a coach, check out some of Dog Biz School’s articles and podcasts. While they can’t replace a full-service Dog Biz Coach, they can provide some of the first stepping stones to revamping the way you approach your business. 



Doing research and listening to podcasts can help you identify what kind of help you might need in your dog training biz. THEN, you can revisit the decision to hire a Dog Biz Coach with more focus and clarity. 

Your time, energy, and money are finite. Spend your resources where they have the most impact. Only pony up $$$ for expert help when you’re ready to commit to REAL change. 


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