Frequently Asked Questions

  • We work with dog business entrepreneurs in the pet industry to help scale, expand and grow their businesses without burning themselves, their family, or their employees out. This covers all different levels of executive business strategy - from organizational management, human resources, high-end program design, wealth creation, sales, to much more such as done for you branding, website design, digital marketing, etc.

    Students receive training, resources, tools, and business strategy. We also provide personalized coaching programs along with complete business-building and done-for-you services with our business growth team and experts.

    Business strategy is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and we encourage you to run from anyone that utilizes that.

    We also host in-person training, events, corporate consulting for multiple corporate partners, and mergers and acquisitions of dog and pet businesses, along with real estate purchases. The Dog Biz School team also produces the Mind Your Own Dog Business Podcast, produces live training to the pet industry markets, and creates content and other resources for dog trainers and others in the pet-dog industry.

  • Ahh, you got trust issues. And, yea, we see them too. Every fucking day. Some are good; some are bad with only your $$ as their motivating factor. Grassroots was one of the very first business consulting (note consulting, not coaching) services established in 2007. Over the last three years alone, we've helped over 1200 dog businesses create over $55 million in straight, beautiful cash profit. See some of our client love.

    We were also one of the ONLY first responders to the COVID-19 Pandemic, where we opened an emergency 2.0 school in March 2020 and successfully served over 100 students to navigate their business.

    Our team is an organization of commanding badass dog biz entrepreneurs dedicated to the growing and shifting dog training industry focused on results. Our dog business coaches ARE industry leaders in dog business.

    Our team of dog business experts is multiple 7-figure dog business owners, world-renowned dog trainers, dog training facility owners, social media rockstars, ivy league MBA holders, and keynote speakers, high-ticket sales witches. To start...

    Also - big flex-time: Princeton University distance learning department did a case study on our Fusion Programs.

  • Yes. And yes. Several of our coaches are still training dogs too.

  • Ahh… this adorable question… did we hit a nerve with you?

    Dog Biz School is a women-run company that specializes in business strategy, dog training program design, marketing, sales, and financial training specifically for the Pet Dog Industry. We do this through a solid commitment to having the best, results-driven coaching experience in the pet-dog industry. Our team has helped generate over 55+ million dollars of income for dog business professionals over the last few years.

  • Nope. While some of our patented Fusion Programs have online components, we help design high-end, facilitated, experiential programs.

  • Sweet. We'd love to talk with you to see if you'd be a good fit. Here's the deal though... you cannot buy your way into our programs. We're also selective of the students and clients that come into our programs. Everyone must go through the process. If getting on the phone with one of our team members is out of the question for you, then dog biz school isn't for you. At all. Learn more here.

  • That's a hard no. We respect our clients' confidentiality and safety. We voe to highly protect as the majority of them are fast-growing female entrepreneurs. They have a right to their privacy and autonomy, just like you. Plus, they don't waste their time resources on people who cannot make an independent decision about their business. See our client reviews and screenshots for what our clients say.

  • Because we can. And if you're clutching your pearls over a few f-bombs, we're definitely not a fit for you. If you judge us for cursing and being authentic on how we show up, well, you need to return that projection to yourself. Also, niche baby. Niche.

    PS: If we’re so unprofessional, why are you here, reading our website?

  • We work with entrepreneurial-driven people who happen to be in the business of dogs focused on the human connection. Our clients don't base their entire business identity around methodology on either side. That also being said, don't be a dick to dogs or the people. We’re looking at you Judgey McJudgey pants.

  • Maybe, if you got something good to say and to bring to the industry. You can email our podcast manager to