Abortion and the Pet Industry - resources and how to help

With the pet industry predominately people with uteruses, we must, as an industry, discuss the right to safe abortion, resources available in your state (if or did) overturns abortion, and how you can help. 

At this point in American society, the dogs we work with have more rights and autonomy to their reproductive health than the trainers, dog walkers, sitters, groomers, etc., that work with them. 

It's a scary fact and why we all need to pay attention, talk about this, and ACT as pet industry business owners, professional organizations, and service providers to pet business owners. 

Dog Biz School is here to help as a women-led company committed to providing safe access and abortion resources and support to our employees, contractors, students, and the industry.

Let's put this out there in the open; abortion IS healthcare. 

Abortion is a very common medical procedure; one in four people with a uterus has had the medical experience. Nobody who has had to make this decision should carry the shame of our society that has zero interest in providing resources beyond forced pregnancy and birth, especially in a society that doesn't offer universal resources for healthcare, maternity leave, childcare, and education. Safe abortion access leads to better physical, mental, and financial health outcomes.

Black, brown, people of color, and lower-income people will disproportionately feel the effects of this ruling, as marginalized communities have always had barriers to getting reproductive healthcare. Black women have a 3x higher death rate in childbirth than white women. We cannot forget about our trans and non-binary communities in this conversation as well as trans men and those that are able to give birth are at extremely high-risk.

This bears repeating over and over and over: this has NEVER been about babies or families. This is about power and control. And it will NOT be stopped at Roe vs. Wade. See Justice Thomas' comments about  Griswold v. Connecticut (birth control), Lawrence v. Texas (same-sex intimacy), Obergefell v. Hodges (same-sex marriage).

Resources if you need an abortion

We've compiled a list of extensive resources for those seeking safe abortions. If you plan to share any of these, please do so from the original pages linked.

How To Get an Abortion - the most comprehensive article we've found of resources by Bitches Get Riches. Please save, bookmark, screenshot, etc., this in-depth article.

Plan C - Plan C provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. access at-home abortion pill options online, along with financial support, legal support, and other resources. 

The NAF Hotline - NAF provides callers with accurate information, confidential consultation, and referrals to providers.

The National Network of Abortion Funds - A network organization dedicated to helping you fund and find access to safe abortion travel. 

AidAccess - Is a team of doctors and advocates for abortion rights. It provides access to improve the health status and human rights of women/women assigned at birth who do not have the possibility of accessing local abortion services.

Abortion Finder - AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers in the United States. 

How you can help

Support people with uteruses - inside and outside of the pet industry: You either support the right to safe abortion and the people that get them 100%, or you don't. There is no straddling the lines on this. No strawman arguments. This is imperative for the men AND organizations in the pet industry to show support for reproductive access. Women (and people with uteruses) are the majority of this industry. 

Use your platform:

There is no right or wrong way to use the platform you've built for your dog business. Well, besides being tone-deaf, making the conversation centered only on you. If you aren't the type, who likes to write or create graphics...SHARE posts, articles, and illustrations (with tagged credit of the original creator). It doesn't matter if you have 100 followers or 100k; the message of support will be seen and heard inside the industry and outside. Planned Parenthood has also created a downloadable media kit.

Donate financially to abortion rights and access:

If you have the financial means, allocate funds to different organizations committed to safe abortion access and advocacy. Each state in North America has a network/non-profit organization dedicated to funds for abortion access. For example, the Carolina Abortion Fund. Ask your pet professional organization if they have matching donations for their members donating to a non-profit. 

Support Local Abortion Funds - a list by state 

Abortion Funds



Planned Parenthood 


Hello Seven Foundation 

Donate time/services:

Dedicate your time to an organization (see all linked organizations or search for a local one in your area) if financial donations are not in the budget. That might mean making copies on a Saturday and making phone calls on behalf of safe-access organizations. Are you a badass writer? Or maybe you make excellent fucking graphics in Canva - good, your local abortion access network needs you. 


Peaceful protests are our right. If you're comfortable and feel safe doing so (please note this is a high-risk activity), find a local protest in your city and attend safely. DO NOT show up to a protest alone, underprepared, NOT knowing your rights. Here are several critical protesting resources and guidelines:

Safety During Protests By Amnesty International

Know Your Protestor Rights by ACLU

Protecting Your Digital Data During A Protest

Protest Tips: How to Stay Safe at Abortion Rights Rallies

Fucking VOTE and get involved in your local government:

Mid-term elections are the least turned out elections by the people. NOW is the time to get involved with your local/state politics. Research your elected politicians and those that will be running. Be sure you're registered to vote and attend (most have Zoom) local public meetings—City council, board of education, town hall meetings, etc. Take a chapter from my dad's book, schedule an appointment with your local representative and ask them questions. And most importantly - VOTE. 

If you're feeling devasted by what is happening in America - this is the fucking time to fight back. Use your money, your platform, your resources, and your vote. Give them fucking hell. We’ll fight with you.


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