What It’s Like Being A Dog Trainer As Told By GIFS

Being a professional dog trainer isn't easy. Often it's filled with overwhelming joy, sadness, dark humor, and a good amount of empathy mixed with never being surprised by anything anymore.

When your non-dog training friends, family, strangers, and everyone in-between says, "OMG! You're so lucky that you get to play with dogs every day!"

When you’re In Big Box Pet Stores & someone approaches You…

When you train more than the dogs.

You're always on the go, go, GO.

When you finally have time to yourself, it’s like:

When you need to create content, marketing, or anything when it comes to your dog training business.

When the late-night dinner hits just right.

The sound of your work email sends shivers down your spine…

The AUDACITY when someone says, shocked, "You can make a living by training dogs?!

You cope with everything with dark & dank humor.

When the next big movie release has a malinois as the co-star.

The AMOUNT of times you've tripped over the place cots even though they've been there for years.

Explosive, spicy dog diarrhea? No problem. A baby diaper, yea, no thanks.

Trying to find work-life-balance as a dog business owner.

When you post something on about dog training on social media & get trolled:

Getting together with all your dog training friends & peers be like:

Socially awkward with random dog facts & training facts in any social setting. You cannot help yourself.

You gravitate towards the dog(s) during social get-togethers.

Finding poop bags everywhere. The washer, the coat you haven't worn in 2 years, your glove box, the fridge....

When you travel WITHOUT your dogs, the list of people you trust to their care is small.

Reaching in your pocket for something & finding crumbled dog food.

When you ask someone why they are doing that to their dog & they say they saw it on a tv dog training show, YouTube, etc…

When the client says, "pure-bred doodle" on their intake form.

Most of your "not training dogs time" is, in fact, training dogs.

You've suffered through more identity crises by 35 than most people in their lifetime.

You are fueled by coffee & energy drinks & …

You've had some tough losses. Really tough losses.

When you try to buy something nice for yourself & ends up covered in dog hair, slobber…

The sheer panic of when you lose YOUR LEASH. THE LEASH.

When that shady dog trainer influencer FINALLY gets called out.

You'd not trade being a dog trainer and working with animals for ANYTHING.


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