6 Signs It's Time To Fire A Dog Owner Client As A Dog Trainer

Let's be honest for a moment, dog peeps - it would be an ideal world that every single dog-owning client that comes to your dog training and pet business is the motherfucking ideal, perfect, dream client.

Oh, the dog trainer business land of perfect clients that do everything you prescribe them in your dog training program, that commit 100% to train their dogs with your guidance, that respect all your boundaries as a dog trainer, don't blow up your email, text, after that bottle of wine on a Sunday evening projecting their bullshit through their dog that rolls down to you. But here we are. Well, here you are, probably wondering and sweating over, firing this toxic dog owner client.

What to do? Recognize the signs of a bad dog owner client in your pet dog business, objectively and non-emotionally decide if you want to continue working with them, and then yeet them the fuck out of your dog business if needed.

Listen, I'm not one to mince words and be like, "Oh, firing is the last resort! You have to worry about your reputation!". Fuck. That. SHIT. Toxic clients are NOT worth any amount of money. They end up costing you money, suck up your mental capacity, and are freaking vampires when it comes to your energy. Fire fast.

The 6 Signs You Should Fire The Dog Owner Client

Every situation will be different, but toxic, bad clients in your dog training business will have the same patterns and traits in common. If any of these remind you of a particular person (or people!) in your dog business, run bitch, RUN.

(1) They're Energetic and Resource Vampires

They take up WAY too much of your time, and you know it's not worth it. You are in business for yourself, which means time will equal money. Money is what keeps you in business for yourself as a dog trainer and dog business owner. 

Yes, you're a dog trainer that is in the business of helping dogs and dog owners improve their quality of life and helping them build relationships together. Sure some will need more guidance and direction (hello, Dog Biz School Fusion Programs!), but that doesn't mean 24/7 handholding with the client and allowing them to emotionally dump the excuses of WHY they don't follow through with the training program, etc. This takes up so much mental space energetic-wise and will DRAIN you. 

If you're drained and fried at the end of the day, will you feel like digging into marketing for your dog business? No. Will you feel like sitting down and taking sales calls for your dog training business? No. All you want to be is stoned and zoned out on Tik-Tok. 

(2) They Always Have Payment Issues

Late payments, bounced payments, "forgetting payments," ghosting your invoices, not answering/replying when you inquire about payments due, continuously a payment or two behind.

Dog owners who are constantly having payment issues and not paying as contracted/outlined/agreed to are more than just annoying. It interrupts your dog business cash flow, which can cause massive disruptions for you, the dog business owner.

Are all people trying to get out of paying for their dog services? No. But if you're finding yourself month after month, tracking down payments, sending reminders, or stressing about your bills because the client didn't pay - bye. πŸ‘‹

(3) You DREAD When It's Time to Work With Them

Not everyone is going to be your favorite person personality-wise, or be super outgoing like you, or appreciate your dark and dank humor. But even when a client wouldn't personally be on your "have a drink with list," you should, at a minimum, enjoy working with them, the human, not just their dog.

If when it comes time to their routine scheduled check-in, training session, etc., and the thought of it fills you with dread, get out. If a schedule reminder triggers you, get out. If an email from them causes you anxiety, get the fuck out. 

(4) They Don't Listen to You, The Dog Trainer - THE FUCKING EXPERT!

There will be dog owners that THINK they're smart AF when it comes to their dog's training needs, exercise needs, diet, enrichment, etc. And you're just there to guide them along the way even though they asked and entered into a dog training program, with you, the professional that, you know, does this for a living since they hired you.

Naturally, some people will be resistant to change, but this is another red flag when they continually don't follow your processes and dog training guidance. It sets you up, the dog trainer and their dog up for failure. And, it causes more work (and liability) when shit goes wrong with their dog.

(5)They're Not Paying You Enough For Dog Training & Other Services

Enough said. During your dog business sale call, you KNEW what that dog owner needed. You had the perfect program for them that would meet all their goals with their dog allow them to live their best life with their pup while problem-solving the behavior. But, when it came time to put their money in to invest, they only wanted to spend this much. And you caved. It happens, so don't beat yourself up. But fast forward to the future.

The dog owner consistently blows up your text, emails, and social media messages expecting extra help and support. They're only in a lower-end program that doesn't support it. The dog owner is looking for extra work outside of the scope of your dog training program or services; for example, they want to learn off-leash work when their program is foundational skills. These clients will never value you or any professional work. Let them go.

(6)They Don't Respect You As A Dog Business OWNER

Are last-minute reschedules and cancellations a pattern? Are they consistently not following directions on how to communicate with you? Maybe they've been rude to you, your employees, or even other dogs owners in the program. Or that late-night bottle of wine deep the emotional dump text or email. 

Listen, having to reschedule appointments happen due to unexpected issues, but when it's a repeating pattern, this is where we take issue. When someone doesn't have a fundamental lack of respect, understand they're NOT the only dog owner in your dog training program, and you don't serve them alone, get the fuck out. 

Rudeness should NEVER be tolerated - EVER. And it's never, ever appropriate for a client to dump emotionally to you, even during business hours. If you ever feel a lack of respect, it's time to sever that relationship.

Any of these signs are grounds for firing a dog owner client. You don't have to wait to hit a number of them before taking action. If you're noticing multiple signs happening simultaneously, it's time to get out fast and end that relationship. I can tell you from unfortunate first-hand experience it won't get better. It won't go away. And when it does end, it will blow up. Respect yourself as a badass dog business owner and professional. You make the rules, and you make the decisions.


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